Wishing you all the happiness and love this March! Would you like less heartache when it comes to accountability and working toward your canine business vision? Yes?! Well, this month’s article is right up your street! Why should you have a scorecard in your business? Firstly – To know the score of course! Pearson’s Law states that what is measured and reported on, improves exponentially Secondly – So you can see the health of your business at a glance of a few numbers (even if on a trip away) Thirdly – It allows your team to manage themselves and gives a fairer, more objective view on performance (No more micro managing! Yippee!) If you joined me on my Profit Booster 5 Day Summit I would like to imagine that you have built out your ‘Wealth Accelerator Growth (WAG) Sheet’ ( The one page Business model whereby you get clear on the vision of your business). If not, it may be worth reaching out to me to see how I can assist you in getting this done The scoreboard simply works side by side with your vision for the next 90 days and chunks your 90 Day goals into weekly ones that you can then report on as part of your weekly Productivity Accountability Weekly (PAW) meeting. Even if none of the above are done – NEVER FEAR! We can still create a killer scoreboard together with 5 Simple Steps: Step 1 – Schedule time with your leadership team Timeboxing meetings like these into your diary get you and the in the right mindset to work ‘on’ the business. It is tempting to go too deep in a Scorecard. Don’t overthink it! Just think about your car. It is a complicated machine with thousands of parts, but there’s only a handful of gauges on your dashboard because there are only a few key things you need to monitor to keep it running. Do we have fuel? How fast are we travelling? How’s the engine’s performance? Oil OK? Water temp OK? How far have we travelled? Scorecards are the same way. Ultimately, you want to look at your key measurables in the business: How many visits did we see this week? What is our capacity percentage? How many new clients did we see? How many referrals did we get? What is our average cost per visit? Step 2 – Work backwards from your targets Either use your 90-day plan from your ‘Wealth Accelerator Growth (WAG) Sheet’ or take a moment to decide what your targets are for the next 90 days Literally divide the targets by 12 (12 Weeks in 90 days) e.g. if the target is to have 420 visits in the next 90 days your scorecard visit number would be 35 per week Step 3. Start Identifying Measurables by Asking Each Team Member: “How do you know you had a good week last week?” Measurables are the activities or results that we must achieve on a weekly basis in order to have successful weeks, and thus successful months, quarters, and years. From a numbers standpoint, did we achieve the goals for the week? For example, Make X calls? Saw X New Clients ? Created X leads? Have X Sales? Have X in the bank? These are the measurables you should plug into your Scorecard. Step 4. Assign accountability For each number to a person who it relates to e.g. head of marketing looks after the marketing number Step 5. Report on Scoreboard each week during PAW meeting Agree to report your numbers to the Team Member in charge of your scoreboard each week If any of this confuses you or you are interested in extra support do not hesitate to reach out to me directly via caninecarehub@gmail.com or book a complimentary call here. Here to serve you The post Scorecards Made Easy first appeared on Elizabeth Hack.
Author: Elizabeth Hack
Balancing Act: Unveiling Your Worth in the Dog Care Industry
An uncertain seller hesitates to make a sale, while an uncertain buyer holds back from making a purchase. It’s like a stalemate that nobody wins. So, what’s the secret sauce to break free from this cycle? It’s all about recognizing and amplifying the value you bring to the table. When what you offer is worth more than what you’re asking, closing the deal becomes a breeze. Getting certain on what that value is and what you bring is how you win. I don’t know you personally yet but I know that the fact that you are reading this tells me that you are worth your weight in gold when it comes to your service to dogs. Let’s delve deep into this process together and give yourself some grace. We’ll navigate the ups and downs of acknowledging our worth, and giving ourselves a break when needed. I get it—it’s tough stuff. But trust me, once you grasp your true value and start attracting the right crowd, everything changes for the better. If you don’t recognise your own worth then you might inadvertently attract the wrong crowd, leading to resentment and burnout. By acknowledging your worth and attracting the right people to your business, you not only free yourself from current constraints; you’re also making room for some serious joy and fulfillment. And guess what? That positivity? It spreads like wildfire to everyone around you. Think of this as your gift to future generations—your way of leaving a lasting legacy. It’s time to give yourself the green light to shine. Let’s support you in your journey of value stacking by doing this written exercise with me: Reflection Questions How long did you train for to become qualified? How much did you invest in yourself to be able to deliver this service? (even if that was simply time, there’s still a cost on your time.) Do you want to be mediocre or the GO-TO Expert in your area? How did you get on with that? Taking a stroll down memory lane, I’ve been in the dog grooming game for a good twelve years now. And let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. From investing in marketing know-how to attending personal development workshops, I’ve poured my heart and soul into becoming the best in my field. So, when it comes to setting my prices, I do so with confidence. I know the value I bring, and I’m not afraid to stand by it. Understanding your own power is key. It’s about owning your expertise and showing the world what you’re made of. Because when you radiate confidence, people can’t help but take notice. And that means more wagging tails and happy customers for you. Recognizing your worth isn’t just some fluffy self-help spiel; it’s the cornerstone of building a thriving business. So, let’s make a pact to value ourselves and our services the way they deserve. Ready to take the plunge? Let’s do this! And hey, even a small tweak—like bumping up your prices by 5-10% —can lead to big things down the road. So, what do you say? Ready to unleash your inner powerhouse and make waves in your industry? I thought so. Let’s make it happen, together! In your corner The post Balancing Act: Unveiling Your Worth in the Dog Care Industry first appeared on Elizabeth Hack.
Donut of Despair
Business can be crazy at times! I heard a wonderful phrase from a friend of mine a few years back that I have been given permission to share with you all – Sometimes it may feel like you are in a “donut of despair” – each and every way you look you feel like you are surrounded by what seems to be a mammoth amount of thick dough with no way out! Ever feel like you are running a million miles an hour? Do you see other people win and compare their journey to yours? Ever feel like you are the only one in the world going through this angst? Welcome to the club! I hate to break it to you – you are never alone in what you are going through! You are 100% in the right place if you have ever experienced anything like this. Here at Canine Care Hub, we are experts at finding the right levers to pull in your business to help you through whatever you are going through. It’s pretty nuts how different Hub Club Members in different countries/ regions with different life journeys can almost come out with the exact same painful phrases during a private coaching call with me i.e. “If someone had offered to take my business off my hands yesterday – I would have jumped at the chance!” ( I heard this 3 times this month alone!) We are in the heat of change Business has changed DRAMATICALLY in the last 2 years and there is ALOT that we have had to navigate. Unfortunately, we seemingly need to do a lot more to get the exact same results! It’s been tough. I’ve got good news though… Dr Edward Kramer insisted that “you are never given a problem for which you do not already possess the answer or the solution” So if you are in your own “Donut of Despair” at the moment, remember that it is here as a gift and you are more than capable of dealing with it (even if you want to get back into bed and hide under the covers at times!) BUT if you need a fresh pair of eyes and ears to help you nibble a pathway out of the donut – then this is exactly what we are here for! Do not Despair Action Steps Lean on your community within The Canine Hub Club Facebook Group Get it out on paper – Draw a line down the centre of the page – left-hand side ” What is bothering me” right-hand side “How could I solve this?” Change your questions – instead of “Why me?” try “If I were to know the answer to this, what would it be?” Don’t struggle alone! Book a coaching call with me – When booking you have to answer the one question of what the focus will be for the call – use this opportunity to get concise on the challenge at hand. These calls are 30 minutes and I am confident that I can support you to find the solution at this time. The post Donut of Despair first appeared on Elizabeth Hack.
The Olive Branch: Reconnecting with Clients
Ever wondered why someone might stop booking appointments with you? Is it fear? Maybe they didn’t like you? Or could it be about money? Interestingly, numerous studies show that the number one reason why people discontinue any service is embarrassment. Think about your hairdresser. Have you ever forgotten to make your next appointment, and then too much time passed? Suddenly, you’re in the supermarket, and there they are, down the next aisle. Panic sets in as you think, “Oh no, she’s going to think badly of me because I forgot to book. I even forgot the salon’s name! I can’t let her see me!” You end up hiding and ducking around the shelves to avoid them. Sound familiar? Well, guess what? Your clients feel the same way too! If embarrassment is the main reason people stop working with you because they forgot to book the next appointment or too much time has passed, it’s up to us as business owners to extend the Olive Branch back to them. Extending the Olive Branch The phrase “extending the Olive Branch” originates from the Noah’s Ark story in the Bible. When the Dove returned to the ark with an olive branch in its beak, it signified the end of the flood and the return of land. In English, it has come to mean offering friendship, forgiveness, or reconciliation. Extending the olive branch is a gesture of goodwill, letting clients know it’s okay that you haven’t seen them. It opens up a line of communication. Isn’t it fascinating? In our heads, we’re constantly worrying, “What do they think of us? Is it because of this? Is it because I said that?” Meanwhile, they’re thinking, “Oh my goodness, I’m far too embarrassed. What is she going to think of me?” If both parties are independently worried, why not make that connection? Go ahead and ask the question! Simple Steps to Reconnect I have a straightforward way to build that connection without any awkwardness. Ready? Phones at the ready. Here it is: “Hey [Name], [Dog’s Name] just popped up in my brain, and I wanted to see how they are. It’s [Your Name] from [Your Business Name], by the way, if you don’t have my number saved ” For example: “Hey Jenny, Fido just popped up in my brain. I just wanted to reach out to see how they are. It’s Elle from Canine Care Hub, by the way, if you don’t have my number saved.” Right now, open your phone and send that message. Have you done it? Elle’s Hack: Typos Aren’t the Worst Thing in the World There have been times when teaching this that I accidentally made a typo in the message, and you know what? That’s almost better! I often send messages with spelling mistakes, and the fact you are physically typing this out quickly because you are making a genuine personal connection is far more important than perfect spelling. Some of you might cringe, thinking it’s unprofessional to send a message with a typo, but in reality, the simplicity and honesty of the message will make you stand out. It’s not just another copy-and-paste ‘send to all’ style message. So, next time you’re thinking about why clients might have stopped booking with you, remember the power of extending the Olive Branch. It could be the key to breaking down barriers and reconnecting with those who simply felt too embarrassed to come back. The post The Olive Branch: Reconnecting with Clients first appeared on Elizabeth Hack.