Wishing you all the happiness and love this March!
Would you like less heartache when it comes to accountability and working toward your canine business vision?
Yes?! Well, this month’s article is right up your street!
Why should you have a scorecard in your business?
Firstly – To know the score of course! Pearson’s Law states that what is measured and reported on, improves exponentially
Secondly – So you can see the health of your business at a glance of a few numbers (even if on a trip away)
Thirdly – It allows your team to manage themselves and gives a fairer, more objective view on performance (No more micro managing! Yippee!)
If you joined me on my Profit Booster 5 Day Summit I would like to imagine that you have built out your ‘Wealth Accelerator Growth (WAG) Sheet’ ( The one page Business model whereby you get clear on the vision of your business). If not, it may be worth reaching out to me to see how I can assist you in getting this done The scoreboard simply works side by side with your vision for the next 90 days and chunks your 90 Day goals into weekly ones that you can then report on as part of your weekly Productivity Accountability Weekly (PAW) meeting.
Even if none of the above are done – NEVER FEAR! We can still create a killer scoreboard together with 5 Simple Steps:
Step 1 – Schedule time with your leadership team
Timeboxing meetings like these into your diary get you and the in the right mindset to work ‘on’ the business.
It is tempting to go too deep in a Scorecard. Don’t overthink it!
Just think about your car. It is a complicated machine with thousands of parts, but there’s only a handful of gauges on your dashboard because there are only a few key things you need to monitor to keep it running.
Do we have fuel? How fast are we travelling? How’s the engine’s performance? Oil OK? Water temp OK? How far have we travelled?
Scorecards are the same way. Ultimately, you want to look at your key measurables in the business:
How many visits did we see this week?
What is our capacity percentage?
How many new clients did we see?
How many referrals did we get?
What is our average cost per visit?
Step 2 – Work backwards from your targets
Either use your 90-day plan from your ‘Wealth Accelerator Growth (WAG) Sheet’ or take a moment to decide what your targets are for the next 90 days
Literally divide the targets by 12 (12 Weeks in 90 days) e.g. if the target is to have 420 visits in the next 90 days your scorecard visit number would be 35 per week
Step 3. Start Identifying Measurables by Asking Each Team Member: “How do you know you had a good week last week?”
Measurables are the activities or results that we must achieve on a weekly basis in order to have successful weeks, and thus successful months, quarters, and years.
From a numbers standpoint, did we achieve the goals for the week? For example, Make X calls? Saw X New Clients ? Created X leads? Have X Sales? Have X in the bank?
These are the measurables you should plug into your Scorecard.
Step 4. Assign accountability
For each number to a person who it relates to e.g. head of marketing looks after the marketing number
Step 5. Report on Scoreboard each week during PAW meeting
Agree to report your numbers to the Team Member in charge of your scoreboard each week
If any of this confuses you or you are interested in extra support do not hesitate to reach out to me directly via caninecarehub@gmail.com or book a complimentary call here.
Here to serve you
The post Scorecards Made Easy first appeared on Elizabeth Hack.